- 2025 [1]
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- 2021 [4]
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- 2019 [7]
- 2018 [15]
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- 2016 [6]
- 2015 [19]
- 2014 [36]
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Date of Publication - Title - Publication Details
- (March 24) “Relics of John Perry.” [from The Imaginary Museum]. Catherine Field-Dodgson & Michele Leggott. Emily Cumming Harris: In New Zealand and Australia (24/3/2025).
- (October 1) “The Whereabouts of Sinbad’s Isle: Review of Hard by the Cloud House, by Peter Walker (Auckland: Massey University Press, 2024).” Landfall Review Online (1/10/2024).
- (May 23) “Jack Ross on 'In Levin' by Therese Lloyd.” Contribution to "Poetry Shelf on Poems.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (23/5/24).
- (February 1) “Many In that Blue Room Believed, Heart and Soul: Review of Shadow Worlds: A history of the occult and esoteric in New Zealand, by Andrew Paul Wood (Massey University Press, 2023).” Landfall Review Online (1/2/2024).
- (July 17) “Introduction.” Mike Johnson. Selected Poems 1977-2022. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 978-1-991083-00-5. 99% Press. Auckland: Lasavia Publishing Ltd., 2023. 11-15.
- (May 3) “Jack Ross’s 'A Clearer View of the Hinterland'.” Contribution to "Poetry Shelf: Favourite Poems.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (3/5/23).
- (March 1) “A Fool in Love: Review of The Frog Prince, by James Norcliffe (Random House New Zealand, 2022).” Landfall Review Online (1/3/2023).
- (June 3) “No ideas but in ..." Contribution to "Poetry Shelf Paragraph Room 3: No ideas but in.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (3/6/22).
- (May 6) “Time in Poetry." Contribution to "Poetry Shelf Paragraph Room 2.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (6/5/22).
- (April 14) “Chocolate Weetbix." Contribution to "Poetry Shelf Paragraphs: 25 Poets on Poetry.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (14/4/22).
- (March 14) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2022 [Issue #56]: 353-56:
- Review of Ian Wedde, The Little Ache – a German notebook (Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2021)
- (February 27) “On Quitting the Academy." "Ghosting." Haunts (2023).
- (February 25) “Skeleton Tracks." Breach of All Size: Small Stories on Ulysses, love and Venice. Ed. Michelle Elvy & Marco Sonzogni. Wellington: The Cuba Press, 2022. 80-81.
- (November 12) “77 Days.” Contribution to "Poetry Shelf: Writings from lockdown.” Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (14/4/22).
- (September 31) “Introduction: Listening to the Silence.” Chris Gallavin. A Dance Together: Poems (Feilding: Prow Publishing, 2021): 3-5.
- (July 10) "Obituary: A Memorial Brass: i.m. Ted Jenner (1946-2021)." The Imaginary Museum (10/7/21).
- (March 11) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2021 [Issue #55]: 352-54:
- Review of Michele Leggott, Mezzaluna: Selected Poems (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2020)
- (January 20) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2020 [Issue #54]: 300-3 & 330-33:
- (November 27) “Teaching Late Curnow.” Journal of New Zealand Literature 37.2: Remembering Curnow. Guest Editor Alex Calder (2019): 92-102.
- (November 12) “The Lonesome Death of Bridget Furey, or: Pessoa Down Under,” & (ed.) ‘The Complete Poetical Works of Bridget Furey (1966-c.1997).” Ka mate ka ora: a new zealand journal of poetry and poetics 17 (October 2019): 62-79.
- (January 8) (Ed.) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2019 [Issue #53]: 14-20, 68-74 & 303-13:
- Editorial: What makes a poem good?
- An Interview with Stephanie Christie Reviews:
- Review of Dan Davin, A Field Officer’s Notebook: Selected Poems, ed. Robert McLean (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2018)
- Review of Alistair Paterson, Passant: A Journey to Elsewhere (London: Austin Macauley Publishers, 2017)
- Review of Johanna Emeney, The Rise of Autobiographical Medical Poetry and the Medical Humanities (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2018)
- (August 24) “Divine Muses XV.” Contribution to Jane Sanders, ed. Divine Muses XV: To Siobhan Harvey with thanks from your fellow poets. Auckland: Jane Sanders Art Agent, 2018. VII.
- (August 24) “42 poets celebrate National Poetry Day: A memory suite.” Contribution to Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (24/8/18).
- (August 7) “The Shadow-Line, or: What’s the difference between micro-fiction & prose poetry?” Bonsai: Best small stories from Aotearoa New Zealand. Ed. Michelle Elvy, Frankie McMillan & James Norcliffe. ISBN 978-1-927145-98-2. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2018. 268-72.
- (June 12) “‘Like a Japanese Christmas Card’: Line in Poetry and Art.” Axon: Creative Explorations, Vol. 8, No. 1: "Materiality, creativity, material poetics" (May 2018). Special Section: "The Poetic Line", ed. Owen Bullock. (University of Canberra: Centre for Creative & Cultural Research, 2018). [available at:]
- (January 10) (Ed.) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2018 [Issue #52]: 14-18, 308-19 & 332-36:
- Editorial: A Live Tradition Reviews:
- Review of Ted Jenner, The Arrow That Missed (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2017)
- Review of Jeremy Roberts, Cards on the Table (Carindale, Queensland, Australia: Interactive Press, 2015)
- Review of Laura Solomon, Frida Kahlo's Cry and Other Poems (Hong Kong: Proverse Hong Kong, 2015)
- Review of A TransPacific Poetics, ed. Lisa Samuels and Sawako Nakayasu (Brooklyn, NY: Litmus Press, 2017) Books & Magazines in brief:
- Review of Mary Cresswell, Field Notes (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2017)
- Review of Claudio Pasi, Observations: Poems / Osservazione: Poesie, trans. Tim Smith & Marco Sonzogni (Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016)
- Review of Shipwrecks/Shelters: Six Contemporary Greek Poets / Ναυάγια/Καταφύγια: Έξι Σύγχρονοι Έλληνες Ποιητές. With Lena Kallergi, Theodore Chiotis, Phoebe Giannisi, Patricia Kolaiti, Vassilis Amanatidis & Katerina Iliopoulou, ed. & trans. Vana Manasiadis (Wellington: Seraph Press, 2016)
- Review of Signals: A Literary Journal 5, ed. Ros Ali & Johanna Emeney (Devonport: Michael King Writers’ Centre, 2016)
- Review of Karen Zelas, The Trials of Minnie Dean: A Verse Biography (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2017)
- (January 1) “Painting with Words: Review of Painting with Words: a Collection of Poems, by Terence O’Neill-Joyce (Warkworth: Video Pacific Communications Limited, 2017).” Poetry New Zealand Review: Books & Magazines in brief (1/1/18).
- (December 7) “Lounge Room Tribalism (for Graham Fletcher).” Scope: Art and Design #14 (November 2017): 133-35.
- (November 23) “Welcome to Novella.” Leicester Kyle. Letters to a Psychiatrist. Edited with an Afterword by Jack Ross. Paper Table Novellas, 2 (Auckland: Paper Table, 2017): 81-87.
- (November 1) “The Poetics of Planned Obsolescence: Review of Milk Island, by Rhydian Thomas (Lawrence & Gibson Publishing Collective, 2017).” Landfall Review Online (2017).
- (October 30) "Vanishing Points: Launch Speech." Contribution to Paula Green, “Michele Leggott’s glorious new poetry collection: a launch speech and some poems.” NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews and other things (30/10/17).
- (September 26) “Starting (and Stopping) a Poem.” Pilot 2018: A Diary for Writers (Melbourne & South Gippsland: Pilot Press, 2018): 12.
- (February 21) “Enactments of Identity in the New Zealand Short Story.” Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (FDHS). ISSN 1674-0750. DOI 10.1007/s40647-017-0170-2 (2017): 1-19.
- (January 28) “How Many Miles to Babylon? Three Faces of Mike Johnson’s Lear.” brief 55 (Summer 2016-17): 113-31.
- (January 15) “The Time of Achamoth: M. K. Joseph and the Rise of New Zealand Speculative Fiction.” Journal of New Zealand Literature 34.2: New Writing 1975-2000. Guest Editor John Geraets (2016): 61-80.
- (January 13) (Ed.) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2017 [Issue #51]: 14-19, 48-51, 293-302 & 318-23:
- Editorial – Hands across the Tasman
- An Interview with Elizabeth Morton Reviews:
- Review of Nicholas Williamson, The Blue Outboard: New and Selected Poems (Port Chalmers: Black Doris Press, 2016)
- Review of Antonios Papaspiropoulos, Poems from the George Wilder Cottage: A Poetry Cycle (Southbank, Victoria, Australia: St. Antoni Publishing, 2015)
- Review of Cilla McQueen, In a Slant Light: A Poet’s Memoir (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016)
- Review of Jen Crawford, Koel (Melbourne: Cordite Books, 2016) Books & Magazines in brief:
- Review of brief 54: Love, ed. Olivia Macassey (Pokeno, Auckland: The Writers Group, 2016)
- Review of John Dickson, Mister Hamilton (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2016)
- Review of Michael Harlow, Nothing for it but to Sing (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2016)
- Review of IKA 4: Journal of Literature and Art, ed. Anne Kennedy (Manukau: MIT, 2016)
- Review of JAAM 33: Small Departures, ed. Kiri Piahana-Wong and Rosetta Allan (Wellington: JAAM Collective, 2015)
- Review of Polina Kouzminova, An echo where you lie (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2016)
- Review of Frankie McMillan, My Mother and the Hungarians and Other Small Fictions (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2016)
- (December 25) “Issue 55 Supplement: How Many Miles To Babylon.” The brief blog (25/12/16).
- (December 4) “Poetry Shelf, Poet's Choice.” Contribution to Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (4/12/16).
- (November 22) Blurb for Keith Nunes, catching a ride on a paradox: poetry and short fiction (Rotorua, 2016).
- (July 8) "On the Road to Nowhere: Revisiting Samuel Butler’s Erewhon." Extraordinary Anywhere: Essays on Place from Aotearoa New Zealand. Ed. Ingrid Horrocks & Cherie Lacey. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2016. 135-49.
- (May 19) “The Psychopathic God: Review of R.H.I., by Tim Corballis (Victoria University Press, 2015).” Landfall 231 (April 2015): 182-85.
- (May 5) “I am ‘modern’ but want to go back’: Review of Aurelia, by John Hawke (Cordite Press, 2015).” TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, vol 20, no. 1 (April 2016).
- (December 11) “Poetry Shelf, Poet's Choice.” Contribution to Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (11/12/15).
- (November 27) (Ed.) Poetry NZ Yearbook 2 [Issue #50] (2015): 7-10, 23-38, 255-63 & 269-73:
- Editorial – What is New Zealand Poetry?
- An Interview with Robert Sullivan Reviews:
- Review of Mary Cresswell, Fish Stories (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 2015)
- Review of David Eggleton, The Conch Trumpet (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015)
- Review of A Place To Go On From: The Collected Poems of Iain Lonie, ed. David Howard (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015)
- Review of Jane Summer, Erebus (Little Rock, Arkansas: Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014) Books & Magazines in brief:
- Review of Diane Brown, Taking My Mother to the Opera (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015)
- Review of Catalyst 11: My Republic, ed. Doc Drumheller (Christchurch: The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press, 2014)
- Review of Martin Edmond & Maggie Hall, Histories of the Future (North Hobart, Tasmania: Walleah Press, 2015)
- Review of JAAM 32: Shorelines, ed. Sue Wootton (Wellington: JAAM Collective, 2014)
- Review of Julie Leibrich, A Little Book of Sonnets (Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2013)
- Review of Emma Neale, Tender Machines (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015)
- Review of Richard Reeve, Generation Kitchen (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015)
- Review of Pat White, Fracking & Hawk (Aotearoa New Zealand: Frontiers Press, 2015)
- (August 29) “'We' Society: Editor's Note.” 'We' Society Poetry Anthology. Edited with a Preface by Jack Ross. Stage2Page Titles, 4 (Bethells / Te Henga, Auckland: Poetry/Spoken Word Art NZ Trust, 2015): 1-3.
- (July 29) Blurb for Martin Edmond & Maggie Hall, Histories of the Future (North Hobart, Tasmania: Walleah Press, 2015).
- (May 11) “Miss Herbert, by Adam Thirlwell [2007].” Verbivoracious Festschrift Vol. 3: The Syllabus. Ed. G.N. Forester and M.J. Nicholls. ISBN 978-981-09-3593-1 (Singapore: Verbivoracious Press, 2015): 209-10.
- (May 1) “Is MiStory YourStory? Review of MiStory, by Philip Temple (Dunedin: Scribe Publishing, 2014).” Landfall Review Online (2015).
- (November 1) “An Interview with Gabriel White.” Tongdo Fantasia. Gabriel White on Vimeo (26/10/14).
- (October 28) (Ed.) Poetry NZ Yearbook 1 [Issue #49] (2014): 7-10, 41-48, 224-37:
- Editorial – From Dagmara to Lisa
- An Interview with Lisa Samuels Books & Magazines in brief:
- Review of Alan Brunton, Beyond the Ohlala Mountains: Poems 1968-2002. Ed. Michele Leggott & Martin Edmond (Auckland: Titus Books, 2013)
- Review of Kay McKenzie Cooke, Born to a Red-Headed Woman (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2014)
- Review of Craig Cotter, After Lunch with Frank O’Hara. Introduction by Felice Picano (New York: Chelsea Station Editions, 2014)
- Review of Alison Denham, Raspberry Money (Christchurch: Sudden Valley Press, 2013)
- Review of Doc Drumheller, 10 x (10 + -10) = 0: A ten year, ten book project, 20/02/2002-21/02/2012 (Christchurch: The Republic of Oma Rāpeti Press, 2014)
- Review of Eugene Dubnov, The Thousand-Year Minutes. Translated by Anne Stevenson & the author (UK: Shoestring Press, 2013)
- Review of Sue Fitchett, On the Wing (Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2014)
- Review of Alexandra Fraser, Conversation by Owl-Light (Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2014)
- Review of John Gibb, The Thin Boy & Other Poems (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014)
- Review of Rogelio Guedea, Si no te hubieras ido / If only you hadn’t gone. With translations by Roger Hickin. Introduction by Vincent O’Sullivan (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014)
- Review of Sweeping the Courtyard: The Selected Poems of Michael Harlow (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014)
- Review of Michael Harlow, Heart absolutely I can. Hoopla Series (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2014)
- Review of Chloe Honum, The Tulip-Flame (Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2014)
- Review of David Howard, The Speak House: A Poem in Fifty-Seven Pentastichs on the Final Hours in the Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014)
- Review of Leonard Lambert, Remnants: Poems (Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2013)
- Review of Stephanie Lash, Bird murder. Hoopla Series (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2014)
- Review of Cilla McQueen (in association with the Alexander Turnbull Library), Edwin’s Egg & Other Poetic Novellas (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2014)
- Review of John O’Connor, Whistling in the Dark (Wellington: HeadworX, 2014)
- Review of Outloud Too. Ed. Vaughan Rapatahana, Kate Rogers, Madeleine Slavick (Hong Kong: MCCM Creations, 2014)
- Review of Lee Posna, Arboretum (Auckland: Compound Press, 2014)
- Review of Helen Rickerby, Cinema. Hoopla Series (Wellington: Mākaro Press, 2014)
- Review of Marie Slaight, The Antigone Poems. Drawings by Terrence Tasker (Potts Point NSW: Altaire Production and Publication, 2013)
- Review of Elizabeth Smither, Ruby Duby Du (Lyttelton: Cold Hub Press, 2014)
- Review of MaryJane Thomson, Fallen Grace (Wellington: HeadworX / The Night Press, 2014)
- Review of Steven Toussaint, Fiddlehead (Auckland: Compound Press, 2014)
- (August 5) “August on the Shelf.” Contribution to Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (5/8/14).
- (May 16) “Green Movement: Review of Phillip Mann, The Disestablishment of Paradise: A Novel in Five Parts plus Documents (London: Gollancz, 2013).” Landfall 227 – Vital Signs (2014): 183-85.
- (April 14) “Paul Celan & Leicester Kyle: The Zone & the Plateau.” Ka Mate Ka Ora 13 (2014): 54-71.
- (March 12) (Ed.) brief 50 – the projects issue (2014): 3-5, 152-53, 154-56:
- (February 6) Leicester Kyle. The Millerton Sequences. Edited by Jack Ross. Poem by David Howard. ISBN 978-0-473-18880-1. Pokeno, Auckland: Atuanui Press, 2014. 8-29:
- (February 1) “Carnage in Cuba Street: Review of The Wind City, by Summer Wigmore (Steam Press, 2013).” Landfall Review Online (2014).
- (December 9) “Here are the poetry books that hooked us in 2013.” Contribution to Paula Green. NZ Poetry Shelf: a poetry page with reviews, interviews, and other things (9/12/13).
- (September 27) “Confessions of an Unrepentant Anthologist: Review of The AUP Anthology of NZ Literature, ed. Jane Stafford & Mark Williams (Auckland: AUP, 2013).” brief 49 (2013): 129-45.
- (September 7) “Wearing their ethics on their sleeves: Review of Elizabeth Knox, Mortal Fire (Wellington: Gecko Press, 2013) & Mandy Hager, Dear Vincent (Auckland: Random House New Zealand, 2013).” NZ Books: A Quarterly Review vol. 23, no. 3, issue 103 (Spring 2013): 16-17.
- (August 31) “Trouble in River City: How I learned to stop worrying and trust poetics.” Poetry NZ 47 (2013): 93-103.
- (June 25) “Obituary – Dreamtigers: i.m. Sarah Broom.” Poetry Notes 14 (vol. 4, issue 2). ISSN 1179-7681 (Winter 2013): 6-8.
- (May 14) “Never Get Taken to the Second Location: Review of The Second Location. Stories by Bronwyn Lloyd (Auckland: Titus Books, 2011). RRP $NZ 30.00.” Landfall 225 – My Auckland (2013): 186-89.
- (November 23) “Interpreting Paul Celan.” brief 46 – The Survival Issue (2012): 85-101.
- (November 5) Celanie: Poems & Drawings after Paul Celan.
Poems by Jack Ross, Drawings by Emma Smith, with an Afterword by Bronwyn
Lloyd. ISBN 978-0-473-22484-4. Pania Samplers, 3. Auckland: Pania
Press, 2012. 168 pp. 11-16:
- Introduction: The Twenty-Year Masterclass
- (September 24) “Channeling Paul Celan.” Rabbit 5: The RARE Issue (Winter 2012): 118-31.
- (September 1) “Review of The Little Enemy, by Nicholas Reid (Wellington: Steele Roberts Aotearoa, 2011).” Poetry NZ 45 (2012): 103-4.
- (July 1) “Closedown, hibernate, restart: Review of The Comforter, by Helen Lehndorf (Seraph Press, 2011) & Birds of Clay, by Aleksandra Lane (VUP, 2012).” Landfall Review Online (2012).
- (June 19) Fallen Empire: Maui in the Underworld, Kupe & the Fountain of Youth, Hatupatu & the Nile-monster: Three Play-Fragments from the Literary Remains of The Society of Inner Light. Attributed to Bertolt Wegener. Edited with an introduction by Jack Ross. Museum of True History in Collaboration with Karl Chitham and Jack Ross (20 June – 21 July 2012). Dunedin: Blue Oyster Art Project Space, 2012:
- (May 8) “Old Shore.” Trout 17: Home Spaces (2012).
- (May 6) brief 44 / 45 – Oceania (2012): 56-76 & 206-7:
- The Great White Silence
- Review of Leicester Kyle, Koroneho
- (March 31-July 3) JACK ROSS: Notes on NZ Poetry (April-June 2012). Jacket2: Commentaries.
- [31/3/12]: Begin anywhere
- [6/4/12]: The persistence of memory
- [13/4/12]: Experiments with sound
- [18/4/12]: Dancing on ropes with fetter’d legs
- [27/4/12]: In small press land
- [6/5/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems: Allen Curnow
- [11/5/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems (2): James K. Baxter
- [17/5/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems (3): Cilla McQueen
- [26/5/12]: Work yet for the living: Hone Tuwhare
- [1/6/12]: What's in the mags? brief 44/45
- [8/6/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems (4): Ian Wedde
- [15/6/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems (5): Kendrick Smithyman
- [25/6/12]: State-of-the-Nation poems (6): Michele Leggott
- [3/7/12]: Coda
- (March 30) “Marie de France: ‘Laüstic’ (c.1180).” Ka Mate Ka Ora 11 (2012): 75-88.
- (March 13) “The book that got me started ...” Contribution to Celebrating NZ Book Month. Auckland University Press (13/3/12).
- ((November 29) “Look and look again: Twelve New Zealand poets.” Jacket2 NZ Poetry Feature: with poets John Adams, Raewyn Alexander, Jen Crawford, Scott Hamilton, Leicester Kyle, Aleksandra Lane, Thérèse Lloyd, Richard Reeve, Michael Steven, Apirana Taylor, Richard Taylor, Richard von Sturmer. Edited by Jack Ross. Images by Emma Smith.
- Introduction - Look, & Look Again: 12 New Zealand Poets
- (November 3) Leicester Kyle, Koroneho: Joyful News Out Of The New Found World. Edited with an Introduction by Jack Ross. Preface by Ian St George. ISBN 978-0-9876604-0-4. Auckland: The Leicester Kyle Literary Estate / Wellington: The Colenso Society, 2011. 7-9:
- (November 1) Blurb for Keith Westwater, Tongues of Ash (Brisbane: Interactive Press, October 2011).
- (August 25) “Foreword.” Lugosi’s Children, Curated by Bronwyn Lloyd (27 August – 1 October 2011). Auckland: Objectspace, 2011: 2-3. [PDF available at:].
- (May 25) “Johnsons or Shits: Review of Mike Johnson, Travesty (Auckland: Titus Books, 2010).” brief 42 (2011): 40-44.
- (May 17) “Questions of Structure: Review of John Newton, Lives of the Poets; Cilla McQueen, The Radio Room; David Eggleton, Time of the Icebergs.” Landfall 221 – Outside In (2011): 184-87.
- (January 6) Kendrick Smithyman, Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. 2004. Edited by Jack Ross & Marco Sonzogni. ISBN-13: 978-88-7536-264-5. Transference Series. Ed. Erminia Passannanti. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2010. 23-39:
- Essay – The Poem Within: Kendrick Smithyman the Poet-Translator
- (December 16) 11 Views of Auckland. Edited by Jack Ross & Grant Duncan. Preface by Jack Ross. Social and Cultural Studies, 10. ISSN 1175-7132. Auckland: Massey University, 2010. ii + 210 pp. [100 copies]. 5-8; 155-76:
- (November 19) “Hearts on the Run: Poetry Panels in Sydney.” All Together Now: A Digital Bridge for Auckland and Sydney / Kia Kotahi Rā: He Arawhata Ipurangi mō Tamaki Makau Rau me Poihākena (March-September 2010). (23/11/10).
- (November 18) “A Short History of Fairytales.” One Brown Box: A Storybook Exhibition for Children, by Bronwyn Lloyd & Karl Chitham (6 November – 18 December 2010). ISBN-13: 978-0-9582811-8-8. Auckland: Objectspace, 2010: 27-37.
- (September 17) “Discussion of 'Disorder and Early Sorrow'.” In 99 Ways into NZ Poetry, by Paula Green & Harry Ricketts. ISBN 978-1-86979-178-0. Auckland: Random House, 2010. 364-65.
- (May 27) “The Sleep of Reason: Review of Jessica Le Bas, Walking to Africa; David Lyndon Brown, Skin Hunger; Bernadette Hall, The Lustre Jug; Kevin Ireland, Table Talk: New Poems; Frankie McMillan, Dressing for the Cannibals; Brian Turner, Just This: Poems; Richard von Sturmer, On the Eve of Never Departing.” Landfall 219 – On Music (2010): 185-89.
- (December 7) “Scroll, Codex, Hypertext …” Contribution to the Flying Blind Symposium (3/12/09). Floating Cinemas Website (7/12/09).
- (November 3) “Troubling Our Sleep: Ted Jenner’s Postmodern Classicism.” Ka Mate Ka Ora 8 (2009): 46-66.
- (September 25) “Travelling to the Edge of Oneself: Review of Martin Edmond, The Supply Party.” brief 38 (2009): 89-93.
- (June 16) “The Tolkien Industry.” Scoop Review of Books (16/6/09).
- (May 29) “Is there a future for the poetry blog?” Colloquium: “1,000 words or a picture: Could Poetry be a Contemporary Art?” Ka Mate Ka Ora 7 (2009): 26-29.
- (May 6) “In Love with the Chinese Novel: A Voyage around the Hung Lou Meng.” brief 37 (2009): 10-28. [Available at: Titus Books website (June 15, 2010)].
- (March 1) (Ed.) Poetry NZ 38 (2009): 9, 10 & 107-8.:
- Editorial [Available at: Poetry NZ Website (12/3/09)]
- Jen Crawford
- Books & Magazines in brief: Review of Coral Atkinson & David Gregory, ed. Land very Fertile: Banks Peninsula in Poetry & Prose (Christchurch: CUP, 2008)
- Review of Stu Bagby, ed. Just Another Fantastic Anthology: Auckland in Poetry (Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2008)
- Review of Helen Bascand, into the vanishing point (Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2007)
- Review of Michael Harlow, The Tram Conductor’s Blue Cap (Auckland: AUP, 2009)
- Review of John O’Connor, Parts of the Moon: Selected Haiku & Senryu, 1988-2007 (Teneriffe, Queensland: Post Pressed, 2007)
- Review of Takahe 64 (Winter 2008)
- (September 23) “Climbing off the Barricades: Review of Tony Beyer, Dream Boat: Selected Poems & Stu Bagby, ed. A Good Handful: Great NZ Poems about Sex." brief #36 (2008) – The NZ Music Issue: 114-18.
- (August 30) “Ex Africa semper aliquid novi ... Review of Alistair Paterson, Africa: //Kabbo, Mantis and the Porcupine’s Daughter.” Poetry NZ 37 (2008): 101-08.
- (July 30) Review of Martin Edmond, The Evolution of Mirrors. Queensland: Otoliths, 2008. Lulu Marketplace.
- (June 15) “Recipe: Hot rolls.” In The Word for Food: Recipes and Anecdotes from members of the International Writers’ Workshop, and others. Ed. Joyce Irving. Palmerston North: Heritage Press Ltd., 2008. 98-99.
- (June 6) New New Zealand Poets in Performance. Edited by Jack Ross. Poems Selected by Jack Ross and Jan Kemp. ISBN 978 1 86940 4093. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2008. xiv + 146 pp. ix-xii:
- (November 13) (Ed.) Landfall 214 – Open House (2007): 5-6, 175-79 & 187-90:
- Editorial – Terms of Engagement
- The Need to Gather Stones: Review of Geoff Cochrane, 84-484 & Fiona Farrell, The Pop-Up Book of Invasions
- At the Revival Meeting: Review of Martin Edmond, Waimarino County and Other Excursions
- (September 1) “Irony and After: New Bearings in NZ Poetry.” Poetry NZ 35 (2007): 95-103.
- (June 6) To Terezín. Travelogue by Jack Ross, with an Afterword by Martin Edmond. Social and Cultural Studies, 8. ISSN 1175-7132 (Auckland: Massey University, 2007). ii + 90 pp. 5-6:
- (March 29) “Pound’s Fascist Cantos Revisited.” Ka Mate Ka Ora #3 (2007): 41-57.
- (September) "Correspondence: Pound’s Italian Cantos." Ka Mate Ka Ora #4 (2007): 154-57.
- (December 13) “Gabriel’s Groundhog Day: Launch speech for Gabriel White's Aucklantis.” Window Online (13/12/06).
- (December 6) “for Leicester Hugo Kyle (b. 1937).” brief #34 (2006) – war: 6-11. [Available at:].
- (September 9) “Death of the Old Gang: Review of Sarah Broom, Contemporary British and Irish Poetry.” Poetry NZ 33 (2006): 80 & 96-101. [Available at: The Imaginary Museum (12/9/06)].
- (August 30) Myth of the 21st Century: An Anthology of New Fiction. Edited by Tina Shaw & Jack Ross. ISBN 0-7900-1098-4. 137 pp. Auckland: Reed Publishing (NZ) Ltd, 2006. 7-9:
- (May 12) Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance. Edited by Jack Ross. Poems selected by Jack Ross and Jan Kemp. ISBN 1-86940-367-3. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006. xiv + 146 pp. ix-xi:
- (March 24) brief #33 (2006) – exile and home: 35-37, 60-62, 106-8:
- In Defence of Tracey Slaughter: Her Body Rises: Stories & Poems [available at: Reading the Maps (25/3/06)]
- Smithyman Goes Online: Collected Poems 1943-1995 by Kendrick Smithyman, ed. Margaret Edgcumbe & Peter Simpson [available at: Smithyman online]
- Review of Olwyn Stewart, Curriculum Vitae [available at: Titus Books Website (29/4/06)]
- (March 4) “In the Shop of Wah Lee: Denys Trussell – poet, musician, ecologist.” Poetry NZ 32 (2006): 85-94.
- (October 22) “Is Melville's poetry really worth reading?” (22/10/05).
- (October 3) (Ed.) Where Will Massey Take You? Life Writing 2. ISBN 0-473-09551-3. Massey University: School of Social and Cultural Studies, 2005. viii + 155 pp. [100 copies]. v-vi:
- (August 19) “A few thoughts on sampling.” Titus Books website (19/8/05).
- (July 18) (Ed.) brief 32 – Joanna Margaret Paul (2005): 3-4, 103-7:
- Editorial – i.m. Joanna Margaret Paul (1946-2003)
- Review of The Brian Bell Reader
- Review of Alan Brunton, Grooves of Glory: Three Performance Texts
- Review of Sue Fitchett, Palaver Lava Queen
- Review of Michael Harlow, Cassandra’s Daughter
- Review of Anne Kennedy, The Time of the Giants
- Review of Michele Leggott, Milk & Honey
- Review of C. K. Stead, The Red Tram
- (July 2) “Review of ‘Asclepius’. Poet Triumphant: The Life and Writings of R. A. K. Mason (1905-1971) & Lawrence Jones. Picking up the Traces: The Making of a New Zealand Literary Culture 12932-1945.” WLWE: World Literature Written in English 40 (2) (2005): 144-47.
- (December 2) “Takahe 2004 Poetry Competition Report.” Takahe 53 (2004): 2.
- (November 30) (Ed.) brief 30 / 31 – Kunst / Kultur (2004): 3-4, 88-91, 109-11, 115 / 3 & 5-6:
- Editorial – WARUM die KUNST
- Review of Murray Edmond, Fool Moon
- Review of Basim Furat, Here and There
- Review of Harvey McQueen, Recessional
- Review of Guyon Neutze, Dark out of Darkness
- Review of Mark Pirie, Bullet Poems: In Four Rounds, ed. “Recent New Zealand Poetry: 50 Poems by 50 Poets,” & ed. Tupelo Hotel: Winter Readings at Tupelo
- Review of Niel Wright, Only a Bullet will stop me now
- Review of William Direen, Jules
- Editorial – brief goes political
- (November 21) Magazine 2 (2004) [aroha, love, l’amour]: 7-18, 86-87:
- The Poetics of Stasis in The 1001 Nights
- Review of Iain Sharp, The Singing Harp
- (October 18) Kendrick Smithyman. Campana to Montale: Versions from Italian. Edited by Jack Ross. ISBN 0-476-00382-2. [ii] + 190 pp. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2004. 10-17:
- (September 28) “Going West Five Years On.” Pander Online. [Available at: (28/9/04)].
- (September 17) Golden Weather: North Shore Writers Past and Present. Poems edited by Jack Ross / Prose edited by Graeme Lay. ISBN 0-908561-96-2. 244 pp. Auckland: Cape Catley, 2004. 12-16:
- Pure Enterprise: The Poetry of the North Shore
- (August 31) “Review of James McNeish, Dance of the Peacocks: New Zealanders in Exile in the Time of Hitler and Mao Tse-Tung & Vincent O’Sullivan, Long Journey to the Border: a Life of John Mulgan.” WLWE: World Literature Written in English 39 (2) (2004): 143-46.
- (July 12) “'I dreamed your book was written ...' Review of Young Knowledge: the Poems of Robin Hyde, ed. Michele Leggott.” JNZL: Journal of New Zealand Literature 22 (2004): 180-90.
- (April 2) (Ed.) brief 29 – more fun than you’ve ever seen (2004): 3-4, 23, 62-65, 81-84, 87-88:
- Editorial – The Secrets behind my Smile
- Review of Paul Hardacre, The Year Nothing
- Review of David Howard & Fiona Pardington, How to Occupy Our Selves
- Review of Anne Kennedy, Sing-Song
- Review of Graham Lindsay, Lazy Wind Poems
- Review of John O’Connor & Eric Mould, Working Voices
- Review of Alistair Paterson, Summer on the Côte d’Azur
- Review of Mark Pirie, Dumber
- Review of John Pule, Tagata Kapakiloi: Restless People
- Review of R. A. K. Mason, Four Short Stories & Maurice Duggan, A Voice for the Minotaur
- (November 14) “Review of Jill Chan, The Smell of Oranges.” Magazine 1 (2003) [loaded with arts, fire and boodle]: 76.
- (October 28) (Ed.) brief 28 – Alan Brunton (2003): 3-4, 116-22:
- Editorial – In the Spirit of Crazy Horse [available at: nzepc]
- F**k you, Faerie Queene: Review of Alan Brunton, Fq [available at: nzepc]
- (July 10) (Ed.) brief 27 – Season of the Remakes (2003): 3-4, 98, 99-100:
- (May 7) “Review of Kendrick Smithyman, Imperial Vistas Family Fictions.” JAAM 19 (2003): 246-49.
- (April 22) “Smithyman / Quasimodo: Introduction to the Translations of Kendrick Smithyman.” Glottis: New Writing 8 (2003): 91-96.
- (April 16) (Ed.) Spin 45 (2003): 3, 59-63:
- (February 26) (Ed.) A brief index: A breakdown by issue & author of 7 years / 26 issues of brief, the magazine formerly known as: A Brief Description of the Whole World / ABDOTWW / description / ABdotWW / Ab.ww / brief. &c., December 1995 – January 2003. ISSN 1175-9313. 48 pp. Auckland: The Writers Group, 2003. 3:
- (February 25) (Ed.) brief 26 – Smithymania (2003): 3-4, 5-8, 9, 19-50, 56, 92, 103-09, 115-116:
- Editorial
- Kendrick Smithyman: A Chronology [available at: Smithyman online
- Miscellaneous Notes: Jack's Hole / Uncollected Northland Poems / The Firpo Essay / Occasional Verses
- Life with Kendrick: A Conversation with Margaret Edgcumbe
- Review of Kendrick Smithyman, Imperial Vistas Family Fictions
- (December 6) “Alan Brunton, my publisher.” New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (6/12/02).
- (October 7) (Ed.) brief 25 – trains at a glance (2002): 3-6, 13-16:
- (September 17) “What is Auckland Poetry?” Five Bells vol. 9 (3) (2002): 14-15.
- (August 29) Poetry NZ 25 (2002): 100-06:
- Review of Stephen Oliver, Night of Warehouses: Poems 1978-2000 [available at: Titus Books Website (29/4/06)]
- Review of Mark Pirie, Reading the Will
- (July 12) (Ed.) brief 24 – less formal than bull (2002): 3, 41-44, 78-79:
- Editorial
- Hybrid Art, or the Three-Colour Problem
- Review of Alan Loney, The Falling
- (March 25) (Ed.) Spin 42 (2002): 3-4, 60-63:
- Editorial
- Review of Jeanne Bernhardt, The Snow Poems / Your Self of Lost Ground
- Review of T. Anders Carson, A Different Shred of Skin
- Review of Leicester Kyle, The Great Buller Coal Plateaux: A Sequence of Poems
- Review of Mark Pirie, Reading the Will
- Review of Wensley Willcox, A Woman in Green
- Review of Helen Rickerby, Abstract Internal Furniture
- (December) “Alan Loney / John O’Connor / John Geraets.” brief 22 (2001): 63-73.
- (November 17) Review of Shebang: Collected Poems 1980-2000 by David Howard. JAAM 16 (2001): 171-75.
- (October 30) “Imaginary Toads in Real Gardens: Poets in Christchurch.” In Complete with Instructions. Edited by David Howard. ISBN 0-473-07646-2. Christchurch: Firebrand, 2001. 33-61:
- I – Prelims
- II – A Conversation with Julia Allen
- III – A Conversation with John Allison
- IV – A Conversation with Kenneth Fea
- V – A Conversation with David Gregory
- VI – A Conversation with Rob Jackaman
- VII –A Conversation with Graham Lindsay [available at: nzepc (March 5, 2004)]
- VIII – A Conversation with Mike Minehan
- IX – A Conversation with John O’Connor
- X – Afterword
- (September 4) “Translating Poetry.” Poetry NZ 23 (2001): 125-34.
- (July 5) “Case Studies.” brief 20 (2001): 23-29.
- (March 21) (Ed.) Spin 39 (2001): 3, 64-66:
- (November 13) Review of Laminations by Murray Edmond and Charts & Soundings by Sue Fitchett & Jane Zusters. JAAM 14 (2000): 99-103.
- (September 30) “An Inside Narrative: Recent Works by Alan Loney.” A Brief Description of the Whole World 17 (2000): 70-79.
- (September 2) “Necessary Oppositions? Avant-garde versus Traditional Poetry in New Zealand.” Poetry NZ 21 (2000): 80-83.
- (August 26-September 1) Review of Big Smoke, ed. Alan Brunton, Murray Edmond, and Michele Leggott. New Zealand Listener vol. 175 (3146) (2000): 40-41.
- (March 27) Review of As far as I can see, by Michele Leggott. JAAM 13 (2000): 158-60.
- (March 14) (Ed.) Spin 36 (2000): 3-4, 61-63:
- (February 13) “Jack.” In Here After. Living with Bereavement: Personal Experiences and Poetry. Edited by Stu Bagby. ISBN 0-473-06399-9. 9 Daphne Harden Lane, Albany, Auckland: Antediluvian Press, 2000. 35-40.
- (October 16) (Co-ed.) The Pander 9 (1999): 14-16, 18-19, 39, 39-40, 40-41, 43:
- A Brief Description of the Whole World: From Multiple Angles [with Hamish Dewe, John Geraets, Leicester Kyle & Richard Taylor]
- Theatre: Review of Foreskin’s Lament, by Greg McGee
- Review of Salt, by Elisabeth Easther
- Books: Review of AUP New Poets 1, by Raewyn Alexander, Anna Jackson & Sarah Quigley
- Review of Rapunzel Rapunzel, by Janet Charman
- (October 13) “A Conversation with Mike Minehan.” Monthly Profile Series 1. Zoetropes: New Zealand Literature / Nga Pukapuka o Aotearoa online. [Available at: (13/10/99)].
- (July 14) (Co-ed.) The Pander 8 (1999): 32, 34, 35-36, 38-39, 39, 40:
- Books: Review of Hone Tuwhare: A Biography, by Janet Hunt & My Life as A Miracle, by The Wizard
- Review of A Particular Context, by John O’Connor
- Review of on what is not, by Kenneth Fea & Legend of the Cool Secret, by Graham Lindsay
- Theatre: Review of The Royal NZ Ballet’s Shell Season of Peter Pan
- Auckland Theatre Company’s Culture of Desire: Review of Closer, by Patrick Marber
- Review of The Cripple of Inishmaan, by Martin MacDonagh
- (May) Salt 6 (2) (1999): 8, 12 & 16 & 61 & 65:
- Letter to Scott Hamilton
- Poetics [available at: Salt Online: Poetics (5/3/2000)]
- (May) “Kendrick Smithyman in Italian.” Landfall 197 (1999): 70-73.
- (April) “Review of Going West Literary Festival.” Pander online edition 6/7 (1999).
- (March 30) (Co-ed.) The Pander 6/7 (1999): 21 & 23, 41-43 & 34-35, 53-54:
- Leicester H. Kyle: Prophet without Honour
- The Kassabova Phenomenon [with Hamish Dewe & Richard Taylor]
- Books: Review of Sidetracks, by Alan Loney
- Review of e-mailing venus, ed. Diana Harris & Anna Jackson
- (March 18) (Ed.) Spin 33 (1999): 2, 58-59, 63:
- Editorial
- Poetics [available at: Writers’ Web Zine (24/2/2000)]
- Review of A Machinery for Pain
- (October 18) “It’s Standing Room Only for the Rekindling of Live Lines.” Sunday Star-Times (18/10/98): F4.
- (September) (Co-ed.) The Pander 5 (1998): 26-27, 32-33 & 34-35:
- Kathy Goes to Mexico: In Memoriam Kathy Acker, d. 30/11/97
- Exhibition: Review of Ralph Hotere: Out the Black Window
- Film: Review of Guy Maddin: Waiting for Twilight & Tranceformer: A portrait of Lars von Trier
- (August) Salt 6 (1998): 24-26, 27-36:
- Talking about Kendrick Smithyman [with Scott Hamilton and Richard Taylor] [available at: Salt 6 online (9/99)]
- Two Readings of Ti Point [available at: Salt 6 online (9/99)].
- (August 2) “A Mutual Respect: Ralph Hotere and Hone Tuwhare.” Sunday Star-Times (2/8/98): F7.
- (June) (Co-ed.) The Pander 4 (1998): 10, 14 & 16:
- (March) (Co-ed.) The Pander 3 (1998): 20-22:
- My Declaration of Principles
- Books: Review of Wizard and Glass. The Dark Tower 4, by Stephen King
- Film: Review of Starship Troopers
- (August)“Kendrick Smithyman’s Northland.” The Pander 1 (1997): x-xiii.
- (July 12) “Genji Monogatari is the first psychological novel.” (12/7/97).
- (May) Ezra Pound’s Fascist Cantos (72 & 73) together with Rimbaud’s “Poets at Seven Years Old.” Trans. Jack Ross. Auckland: Perdrix Press, 1997. [ii] + 42 pp. 37-46:
- (February) “Cunninghame Graham’s Brazil: Differing Interpretations of the Canudos Campaign, 1896-97.” Australasian Victorian Studies Association: Conference Papers 1993. Ed. Joanne Wilkes. Auckland: University Press, 1993. 27-38.
- (December) “Wilson Harris, Joseph Conrad, and the South American ‘Quest’ Novel.” Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 184 (1992): 455-68.
- (March) Review of Singer in a Songless Land: A Life of Edward Tregear, 1846-1931, by K. R. Howe, & The Verse of Edward Tregear, ed. K. R. Howe. Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly 181 (1992): 122-25.
- (August) Review of Tell Me Lies About Vietnam: Cultural Battles for the Meaning of the War, ed. Alf Louvre and Jeffrey Walsh. Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 9 (1989): 31.
- (October) Inter-Arts: A Quarterly Journal of Cultural Connections 7 (1988): 14-16, 27:
- Views of South America in Recent British Cinema
- Mythologies on Stage: Review of The Mahabharata, by Peter Brook and Jean-Claude Carrière (Tramway Theatre, Glasgow)
- (July) Review of The North American Sketches of R. B. Cunninghame Graham, ed. John Walker. University of Edinburgh Journal 33 (1987): 54.
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