
Divine Muses XV (2018)

Divine Muses XV (2018)

Divine Muses XV

I know more than most just how much sheer work is involved in putting together a poetry reading -- and to keep it up year after year takes a special type of commitment to the art of spoken poetry.

Hats off to Siobhan Harvey, then, as her "Divine Muses" poetry day event reaches its fifteenth year. I've hugely enjoyed reading there myself -- and the addition to the mix in recent years of the letterpress poetry broadsheets organised annually by Siobhan and her wonderful colleague Jane Sanders have added a touch of permanence to performances which would otherwise simply have to remain in memory.

The other great feature of a Divine Muses evening is the award of prizes to emerging poets. Since I teach at one of the institutions whose students are eligible for these awards, I know the importance of such incentives to young writers and the huge encouragement they can be to them.

Congratulations on this milestone, Siobhan (and Jane): and here's to many more years of the Muses to come!

- Dr Jack Ross


Divine Muses XV: To Siobhan Harvey with thanks from your fellow poets. Ed. Jane Sanders. Limited edition pamphlet. Auckland: Jane Sanders Art Agent, 2018. VII.

[173 wds]

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